In the beginning it was the light is now shatush as the starting point or as a slight nuance the bleaching between technique and fashion.
Gone are the days of oxygenated water in the sink at home, now the public knows that it is an operation that need expert hands and professional products. In recent years fashion has brought to the fore the “natural but not too much” look, where its color is enriched with shades and shades of tone created precisely by giving light to the hair with bleaching. For those who dream of platinum blond but were born brown, for those who feel “pink” in the head but start from a raven black or for those who “like color, but I would like it less flat”: for all the answer is bleaching. An answer that takes names that know about magic, but that hide behind a story and above all a technique. We’re talking balayage and shatush. Both bleaching techniques in which the hair is lightened of same shades in lengths and tips. The difference? In the application. The shatush involves that you cut your hair, and then with a brush you pass the most suitable lightening BBcos product.